Amy Gooding, PsyD
Amy Gooding, PsyD is a clinical psychologist at Eating Recovery Center, Baltimore in Towson, Maryland. In addition to providing evidence-based psychotherapy to adolescents and adults, she offers specialized treatment for athletes within the program. Dr. Gooding has extensive training in cognitive-behavioral therapy and its application to eating disturbances and the psychology of sports. Her experience in these areas helped focus her career on the management of the unique needs of athletes with eating disorders. She received her Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) with a concentration in Sport Performance from La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Gooding provides trainings to mental health providers on the specialized treatment of athletes and eating disorders. She regularly presents to local high school and college athletes, coaches and sports medicine staff on the identification, prevention and treatment of athletes and eating disorders. In addition, Dr. Gooding provides ongoing consultation to university sports medicine staff on the mental health and well-being of student-athletes.