Mental Health Conditions

Here at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center, our compassionate clinical teams are helping people recover from multiple mental health conditions every day.

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  • Anxiety Disorders

    Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders cause people to have feelings of worry or fear that negatively affect their school, work, relationships or home life. They are among the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Anxiety disorders can be debilitating and make life very challenging.

  • Depression

    People with depression regularly experience a strong sense of unhappiness most of the day, most days of the week, for several weeks or longer.

  • Mood Disorders

    Mood disorders are characterized by persistent mood swings. People with mood disorders experience severe low mood (depression) or elevated mood (mania) for an extended period of time — above and beyond what most would consider to be typical feelings of sadness or happiness.

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

    OCD requires the presentation of both uncontrollable, obsessive, recurrent thoughts (obsessions) and compulsive behaviors that must be repeated over and over again (compulsions).

  • PTSD

    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop following a traumatic experience.

  • Trauma-Related Disorders

    A traumatic event is an event that involves relational trauma, death, serious injury or sexual violence. These events can be threatened or actually experienced. By nature, these events are shocking or overwhelming. When an individual develops chronic, long-lasting symptoms following a trauma, they may be diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Recovery is within reach

Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center provides exceptional care for mood, anxiety and trauma-related disorders. Our highly experienced clinicians and staff are committed to providing an integrated treatment approach to address common behavioral health conditions. 

Our multidisciplinary approach includes a specialty trauma track and OCD track and neuropsychiatric treatments like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for those who require more focused and intensive treatment.

The full continuum of care

At Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center, we support patients and families alike, and provide continuing education to help engage referring professionals. We treat adults and adolescents at the following levels of care:

Learn more about the benefits of our continuum of care treatment model here.

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