Life can be unpredictable. Behavioral health conditions like mood, anxiety, and trauma-related disorders affect people’s lives each day in critical ways. If you are facing a crisis and seeking help, we are here for you. Our treatment programs for adults and adolescents offer you a safe, supportive place if you are looking for effective, individualized and evidence-based mental health treatment.
With the guidance and support of your treatment team, you can learn how to confidently create an enriching life. In our secure treatment environment, you can learn the skills you need to cope with life stressors. We are here to help you change your thought patterns, ingrained behaviors and learned cognitive distortions to better manage your health.
In our collective commitment to effectively treat each patient as a whole and unique person – no matter how complex the diagnosis – Pathlight is rooted in a transdiagnostic care approach: integrating evidence-based modalities to address the commonalities between diagnoses, rather than one specific modality for each specific disease.

Get matched with the exact support you need.
With one conversation, our mental health professionals will help you better understand what you’re going through and what you need.
We will meet you where you are, listen to your story in a therapeutic setting, and match you with the level of support that meets your struggle.
It's Never Too Late to Get Help
Our clinicians provide a vast network of support and a wealth of expertise to help you thrive. We offer assessment and intervention for a wide variety of mental health issues, including:
- Mood Disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar I & II Disorder, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI))
- Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Specific Phobias)
- Trauma-Related Conditions (e.g., Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Chronic Stress, Dissociative Symptoms)
- School Refusal Due to Anxiety, Depression or Defiance
- Other Co-Occurring Diagnosis (e.g., Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism Spectrum, Substance Use Disorders, Emerging Traits of Psychosis, Attachment Disorder, Grief and Loss, Adjustment Disorder)
- School Refusal Due to Anxiety, Depression or Defiance
- Our treatment team is also skilled in addressing additional co-occurring mental health conditions, including eating disorders, attention deficit disorder, grief and loss, adjustment disorder and more.
A Place for Everyone
Whether you come to Pathlight for our Residential, Partial Hospitalization, or Intensive Outpatient Programs (on-site or virtual), our compassionate care team will walk side by side with you through the entire process. We are committed to providing you with the best care so that you can effectively recover.
Our multidisciplinary treatment team will support you in developing a plan of action to address your unique psychological, social and medical needs both during and after treatment. We coordinate and communicate with your therapist, psychiatrist and any other outpatient providers in your home community to ensure continuity of care.
Family involvement is key to a lasting recovery. One of the cornerstones of our programs includes education and support for family members and loved ones while you are in treatment, with a variety of support groups and resources to not only help the entire family heal, but also enable them to better understand the treatment and recovery process.
Compassionate Care From Expert Clinicians
Our clinicians are experts and thought leaders in the field of behavioral health, offering teaching, training, research and advocacy opportunities locally and around the nation. We work closely with — and offer many training opportunities for — the nation’s top doctors and clinicians.
Leadership and care team members also work to promote mental health awareness by serving as advocates in the field, participating in professional organizations and community events and even helping spearhead legislation to effectively address worsening mental health conditions.
Individualized, Evidence-Based Mood and Anxiety Disorder Treatment
We provide specialized treatment for mental health issues in locations across the country. As a Joint Commission-accredited facility, our evidence-based treatment approaches are recognized as meeting or exceeding rigorous standards regarding healthcare quality, value and optimal outcomes.

Your First Day in Treatment
Recovery from a mental health condition is within your reach.
When you arrive for your first day, you may feel incredibly overwhelmed. Please know that it is normal to feel this way, as you are taking a big step into the unknown.
Arriving at the Treatment Center
Typically, you will arrive for your first day of treatment in the morning. When you arrive, we will greet you and ease you into treatment. You will meet with several key people on your first day, including the following:
- A nurse for a physical assessment and labs
- A medical doctor for a medical assessment, and a review of any complications, issues or specific needs
- Your treatment team (psychiatrist and therapist)
- A business office representative to discuss insurance benefits, payment and other details
Our staff will also tour our facilities on your first day so that you can feel more comfortable and know where things are. We help ensure that you receive all of the information you need.
If you feel like you cannot take in everything at once on your first day, we understand. As the initial days of treatment pass, you will begin to develop a routine and have opportunities to ask us any questions. Also, please be aware that intake processes and procedures do vary by location.
Meeting With Your Team
We do our best to match you with providers that are the best fit for you, and ensure that your therapy offerings are specifically matched to your needs. Every patient has different requirements and goals, and we are proud to have a diverse group of clinicians and staff with different strengths and areas of expertise at each of our recovery centers. We are also focused on an expert diagnosis and identification of individual needs, recognizing that no two patients are the same. Our comprehensive series of assessments upon admission help us create a customized treatment plan to meet your needs.
During your first meeting with your treatment team, we will begin to develop a working relationship with you and review your goals. This is an opportune time for you to ask us any questions.
Meeting Others at the Treatment Center
You may wonder about the types of people who will be in treatment with you. We are proud to serve a diverse population of patients, with a firm belief that therapeutic growth deepens when you encounter and develop relationships with people from different life experiences and backgrounds. Our programming practices cultural humility and is grounded in the foundations of safety, mindfulness and awareness to ensure the optimal environment for engagement, learning and recovery.
We have identified benefits to mixing age groups together, although adults (18 and up) are housed in separate areas from our child and adolescent patients (ages 8 to 18). Adults of all ages room together, share meals and participate in therapeutic groups.
Males and females also work together in therapeutic groups, although they do room separately.
We take each room request individually, depending on our availability and your preferences. Our Partial Hospitalization apartments will require you to have a roommate and some of our housing options are supervised.
How Long Treatment Lasts
You are a unique person and will have your own individual response to treatment. Therefore, there is no way to know in advance how long you will be with us in treatment, although the average length of stay is six to ten weeks. However, you could be with us for a shorter or longer amount of time. Your length of stay at our treatment center depends on many factors, including continuous assessments of your needs and progress. At times, it can depend on insurance benefits or other financial issues.
We will work closely with you each day to assess your situation and make the most responsible, ethical and honest treatment recommendations and determine the best level of care for you at each stage. No matter what happens, we do our best to prepare you for success at each level of care to help you achieve a sustainable recovery.
Let Us Know What You Need
We are honored that you have put your faith and trust in us and we promise to be by your side, supporting you on your first day and every day you are here in treatment.
*Your experience in other levels of care, including Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient and Outpatient will differ, as we have a number of centers in locations across the country with varying care offerings. Therapy offerings and other details, including the availability of neuropsychiatric services, will differ by location. Let us know if you have any additional questions about what to expect when you arrive for treatment at Pathlight.

Life After Treatment
Individualized Aftercare Plans
The most challenging work often begins when treatment ends. Our programming is designed with life after treatment in mind, with discharge planning beginning on day 1 with your case managers.
The step-down model of care — which includes Residential, Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient — emphasizes learning, practicing and building confidence in your recovery skills in a structured, supportive environment before stepping down to a level of care with more autonomy and less supervision. Our case managers work with patients on discharge planning, staying in close contact with outpatient providers to ensure a seamless transition once treatment ends. If patients do not have outpatient providers, we serve as a conduit to that care and provide recommendations. We also give patients and families a shared discharge summary, with treatment and aftercare recommendations.
Individual, family and group therapy offer continued support and education to prepare you for the potential challenges after treatment and help you identify personal and recovery-focused goals.
Post-Treatment Planning
Recovery-focused post-treatment planning is also vital to continued recovery. The treatment team works closely with Case Managers to develop an individualized aftercare plan that acknowledges your specific recovery needs and challenges. The sole focus of Case Managers is to facilitate a seamless return home and ensure continuity of care. Case Managers participate in daily treatment team meetings for clarification of what type of treatment patients may need at home.
Transitioning to Outpatient Care
Case Managers will provide relevant referrals to outpatient providers based on treatment recommendations. If you plan to return to your previous treatment providers after you leave our treatment center, the Case Managers will support you in making post-discharge appointments and ensure that those providers have full information regarding your treatment at Pathlight, as well as your discharge plan.
Communication After Treatment Ends
When you graduate from treatment at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center, you are assigned an Alumni & Family Liaison. The Alumni & Family Liaison Team is a team of clinicians who is dedicated to supporting you in your mental health journey. They will send you follow up emails at one week, one month, three months, six months, and one-year post-discharge from treatment, but they are available at any point in time by email or by phone.
Your Alumni & Family Liaison is the point person if you have questions or need any support or outpatient resources. They will send you free resources like our Mental Note Podcast which is full of inspiring stories, Support Group offerings to nurture connections with others, and special events to educate and inform. Your Alumni & Family Liaison is available if you need a check in call or want to update us with how you are doing: we love hearing from our alumni!
Virtual Family & Friends Education Series
We additionally invite your families and support systems to attend our Virtual Family & Friends Series free of cost: as many times as they need to educate themselves on how to support you in your recovery. This educational series is specifically designed for support systems seeking supplementary education and resources on how to best support their loved ones with mood, anxiety and trauma-related disorders. Led by our national clinicians and thought leaders, the series covers signs, symptoms and supportive strategies for various mental health conditions, in addition to topics ranging from insurance coverage to specific evidence-based treatment modalities.