Designed to empower and equip family and friends with knowledge, practical tips, and confidence as they are supporting a loved one during the treatment and recovery journey. The Education Series is delivered in a virtual format and free to attend. It’s never been easier to empower yourself with the knowledge and confidence you’ll need to be there for your loved one during this important time.
We make it easy.
Same Day. Same Time. Every Week.
Virtual Family & Friends Education Series
Every Tuesday from 10:00 am - 11:30 am MT.

Course Titles & Descriptions

Week 1 - Tools for Connection and Confident Communication with Your Loved One
This course provides an overview of Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) which is the foundation for Pathlight family therapy and education. Attendees will learn skills that can support their loved one’s healing through emotion and behavior coaching.
Week 2 - The Psychiatric Toolbox: Treatment Approaches to Mood & Anxiety Disorders
This course will review psychiatric approaches to mood and anxiety disorders, inclusive of brain development, treatment strategies and supportive practices.
Week 3 - All About Anxiety: Symptoms and Supportive Practices
This course will give an overview of anxiety disorders, inclusive of signs and symptoms, treatment strategies and supportive practices. An anxiety diagnosis is not needed to benefit from this presentation.
Week 4 - How to Help Your Loved One After Treatment
This course provides an overview of what to expect as your loved one discharges from Pathlight and continues on their recovery journey. We will discuss relapse prevention planning, the step-down process in levels of care and ways to support your loved one.