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Mental Note

How Have You Grown This Year?

The end of the calendar year packs a lot into a short amount of time and it can be easy to deprioritize your mental health in all that noise. One of…


What's Treatment Really Like?

If you have questions about treatment for eating disorders or mood and anxiety disorders, we’re here to help. Drop in to this complimentary monthly…

Mental Note

Getting Feely - Embracing Emotions

Have you ever been told that you’re too emotional? Or felt the need to hide your heart in order to be accepted and productive? Community builder and…


10 Mental Health Tips for the Holidays

Here are 10 mental health tips for the holidays for those struggling with anxiety, depression and mental health concerns.


What Are the 4 Types of OCD?

Learn about the four types of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and understand when OCD treatment might be helpful.


What Is Cognitive Processing Therapy?

What is Cognitive Processing Therapy? How does it work and who can it help? And how can mental health professionals get trained in this modality? Find…

Mental Note

Fat in a Thin World: Weight Inclusivity

Have you ever wondered why our culture treats fat and fat bodies with such vehement scorn? What about the experiences of people who are fat? What does…

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