Shilo George, MS

Shilo George, MS


Shilo George is a Southern Cheyenne-Arapaho and Irish/Scottish international speaker and owner of Łush Kumtux Tumtum Consulting, which means “a great awakening of the heart and spirit” in the Chinuk Wawa trade language. Their consulting work covers trauma-informed practices and how those practices support anti-racist and anti-oppressive work within organizations and government systems. Shilo is a community educator with over twenty years of experience as a social worker, and their values are rooted in Native cultural and spiritual practices. They praise their communities as the sources of their inspiration, perseverance, and drive.

Shilo is committed to continued learning about the effects of trauma on children, adults, and communities of color, and how organizations and government systems can better support the most marginalized and vulnerable in our communities. They have created a number of trainings and presentations addressing systemic oppression, trauma-informed care, white supremacy within professional culture, weight stigma in medical systems, and Native American history and culture. Shilo believes it is imperative that organizations and institutions become aware of and accountable for the barriers and harm that relentlessly perpetuate against targeted communities. They encourage creative and courageous rethinking of policies, practices, and procedures to create truly welcoming, just, and healing spaces, programs, and organizational cultures.

Shilo received their Bachelor of Science in Art Practices in 2012 and a Master of Science in Educational Leadership and Policy with a Specialization in Postsecondary and Adult Continuing Education in 2017, both from Portland State University.